MultiGain is a tool built on top of the PRISM model checker.
It provides the ability to:
- Verify multi-objective mean payoff querieas in Markov decision processes, i.e. check whether there is a strategy satisfying several mean-payoff constraints
at the same time. Optionally, one can ask for the existence of a memoryless strategy
- Generate the witnessing strategy for the above
- Perform simulations under the strategy, and create the Markov chain which is a product of the Markov decision process and the strategy
Note that MultiGain requires Java 7.
version 1.0.2
This version has several minor bugs fixed.
Windows (32 bit)
Linux (64 bit)
Source-based installation
version 1.0.1
This version offers simplified steps for including Gurobi support.
Windows (32 bit)
Linux (64 bit)
Source-based installation
version 1.0
Source-based installation
Case studies
Case studies from TACAS 2015 submission
Installation instructions
Download an archive with source files, unpack, and follow the instructions provided in README.txt